Has It Started? Has What Started?


I believe I recently wrote that somewhere, sometime, some good citizen, weary to death of being assailed by the hooded antifa nut cases on the streets of their city, will shoot one of ‘em to death. I didn’t think that would happen a day or so later but, I knew it was bound happen.

The difference here is that the poor bugger who was shot to death was done so because he was engaged in an armed assault on an ICE facility in Tacoma, Wa. He was in his black uniform, possessed a rifle and according to news sources, was throwing explosive devices toward the ICE facility. And, it was further reported, he attempted to rig a propane tank to explode, the shrapnel of which had the potential to cause injury or death to bystanders. That was an enemy soldier in the flesh, operating on our streets and it’s right he should be dead.

That this 69 year old nimrod possessed a rifle suggests he had it for another purpose and it wasn’t for rabbit hunting. The caliber wasn’t given but a .22 would qualify if used as a sniper weapon, for deadly return fire. In any event, this represents an escalation of the power pyramid in the minds of the radical communists who call themselves anti-fascists.

Like the Nazis did with Horst Wessel this lot will attempt to make a martyr of him and use his ‘bravery’ as an example for all to emulate. One wonders if he wrote a song. His remains are now in law enforcement’s hands. He should be cremated and his ashes pitched out of a speeding airplane over a landfill or a sewer treatment plant.

I think, like the peyote using Indians doing their Ghost Dance a hundred years ago, that this lot believe they have enough support behind them to occupy the streets and start killing policemen. That’s their chosen path into anarchy. The Antifa’s are anarchists and should be dealt with accordingly. But, we don’t talk about it. Why is that?

This never came up in Trump’s “Made in America” press conference. Why? The radical left wing media wasn’t interested in anarchy on our streets. They were intent on asking questions about the supposed bad treatment we shower on the invaders at our southern border; the separating of poor little children from their coyotes, uh, loving parents, the stench and hunger of the masses of people being detained in the border concentration camps and Trumps suggestion that the three female Muslim and one Marxist Puerto Rican Congresspersons, should go back to their own countries. Is he wrong? John Kasich thinks so.

Has it started? Yes, it has. Has what started? The downfall of the Democrat party. It has turned to radical left-wing Marxism. Pelosi knows it. She might appear stupid but she knows what’s coming. She sees the trap Donald Trump has baited for her party’s far left nimrods. She can’t stop the four blind mice from reaching for the bait. The question has been asked: Why does the mouse trap work? Because the mice don’t understand why the cheese is free!

There are several important things to not lose sight of. First and most importantly, Hillary Clinton and her corrupt FBI and DoJ crony’s are still free. Second, The Democrats are still after our guns because they know they’ll never succeed as long as Americans remain armed and third, Jeffery Epstein is not the news, he’s simply another pedophile, a rich one, headed for a long prison term. The only question is, will he take Bill Clinton with him? Trumps successes as a politician speaks for itself. It now becomes our duty to protect him and help him make America Great Again.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

What’s the Crisis?


What’s the Crisis?
What is being revealed right before our very eyes is not, as Nancy Pelosi would have us accept, a Constitutional crisis, but rather, a crisis of government. We have too much government, too much money to be made being in government, too little work done for the benefit of American voters, and too many really stupid people who don’t realize they are really stupid people.

That’s the crisis that Donald Trump recognized when he decided America needed to be saved and he was the one who would do it. The moderate Republican party, no longer fulfilling its role as the champion of constitutional conservatism, is struggling to stay relevant to what America’s Marxists, disguised as the Democrat party, really want. The “Never Trumpers,” clinging to the political corruption that keeps them relevant, hate Trump because he won’t play the game their way. That’s the crisis. Neither do they see the tsunami coming that will overwhelm them.

What we are witnessing is push back from Trump like they’ve never experienced before! Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schemers trekked to the White House, supposedly for a meeting with the President on Infrastructure funding, but really with the intention to ambush the President. They attacked Trump on funding issues by throwing out threats of investigations, impeachment and cover-ups to queer the deal. President Trump doesn’t suffer fools and will not be bullied, so he walked out on ‘em. Expect the House, under Democrat leadership, to produce nothing for the next year and a half except more hysteria.

They lost, but Trump, they say, must be guilty of something. That uncouth Trump must be corrupt but, he ignores them by refusing to permit White House staffers to testify about their interactions with him. For the Democrats, a conservative, if not playing their game, is grounds for impeachment. The problem is, Democrats don’t have the evidence they want or any other reason to get rid of him. But, that’s not stopping ‘em! They have the House and its powers of oversight and by Gawd, they’re going to use it. I think Trump is safe and he knows it.

Consider the alternative. A Jeb Bush, John Kasich or any other of the “Never Trumpers” who fancy themselves ‘moderate’ Republicans, would immediately have rolled over onto their backs at Nancy’s first bark to acquiesce to Democrats demands while licking the hand that beats them. For some inexplicable reason the Democrats firmly believe the stupid American voters are with them in hating Donald Trump and in wanting him to be gone.

Consider what the Democrats have already given us. A return of infectious disease’s by opening the borders to illegals who are then, cost free, housed, educated, provided free medical care and food, just for their vote. Democrats have forced our children to face sexual perverts with this transgender BS, multi-sex restrooms, males in women’s sports, transgender classes in our schools, but, worse, condoning the evil of Islam to be taught in our schools, but not allowing the morals found in Christianity to even be recognized.

Upon what basis do Democrats believe they are not only fit to lead, but expect to lead because it is their divine right? Our political system was the best going. When even an unenlightened bartender, with some effort at campaigning against a career politician, can get elected to the deliberative body that is our Congress, that’s how it’s supposed to work. Muslims, who hate America, deny that our inalienable Constitutional rights beats Shariah Law. These wicked people are now in our congress, like a cancer. How much damage will they do before they’re exposed for what they really are, fifth columnist for Islam? That’s also a major crisis.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Kasich’s Mad Dream, and Then Came Trump


Kasich’s Mad Dream, and Then Came Trump
“Breaking News:” John Kasich, the unemployed former Governor of Ohio has signed on with CNN as a political commentator. Now, how can that possibly be “breaking news?” CNN has morphed from a news agency into the Current Narrative Network for advancing Democrat propaganda that few people seriously watch for any reason except for laughs. The reason is that John needs a platform if he seriously wants to stand for President against Donald Trump.

The governor himself has become something short of a laughing stock simply because he insists on nursing the mad dream of becoming the neoconservative president of America. Going to CNN will not advance his cause. His daily struggle to convince us that Trump still remains a danger to America, and he could do better as the President, is a pipe-dream.

Kasich, once a congressman, is a product of the old Wash. DC world of ‘go along to get along,’ politics of comity with your enemies through bipartisanship, hands across the aisle, consensus on policy (so long as it’s socialist), that sort of thing. Kasich’s had his shot. He left the DC Swamp to become Governor of Ohio figuring that was his best chance of achieving his dream. As he lost to Trump (4th place), does his opinion even count any more? Neo-Conservatism was voted out of the Republican Party with Trumps election and John Kasich ain’t going to bring it back. To maintain a public platform for airing his opinions, only CNN, and maybe MSNBC, remain to fulfill his mad dreams and, will, who really cares?

This is Kasich’s official internet announcement: “We are excited about what this means for Gov. Kasich and his growing ability to weigh-in on the issues that Americans care about. We expect to see him continue calling on Washington to end the non-stop politicking an actually do something to offer real solutions to America’s challenges. What’s our (t)ask today? It’s simple. With more interviews comes more things to share and grow Gov. Kasich’s message and audience,” followed by the standard plea for a donation. I’ll give John an ‘A’ for Attempting, but now, he should just go away, he’s out of the game and his time is up!

Pelosi and Schumer, Harry Reid before them, John Boehner and Paul Ryan, like Kasich, are all products of that once elite social club of poor politicians turned rich by the longevity of their political service. Then came Trump and the whole fabric of political comity has been ripped asunder.

Despite his dreams, John can’t fix his damaged image, the one Trump gave him on the debate stage in 2016. He can bloviate his opinions on CNN until he actually becomes one of them, a socialist in name as well as deed but, he hazards his integrity to continue this career path if it’s only a job he needs.

If viewers of CNN are expected to waste their time considering John’s opinion, then they can watch any of the talking heads on CNN. They don’t need John Kasich. CNN needs Kasich because for them, he is the once enemy who has seen the light and will become their useful idiot. For the anti-Trump CNN, having an alleged Republican fall into their hands like a ripe banana, is pure gold. Of course they’ll give him as much free airtime as he needs to challenge Donald Trump in 2020. Kasich will serve as a leftist pawn, his persona trapped in the mire of their progressive (socialist) dogma. John will die there, lost but not forgotten. A pity!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Kasich’s Attacks Continue


A perennial GOP wanna-be presidential hopeful, John Kasich tells us: “Every day there is chaos coming
out of Washington and the Trump White House. It’s diminishing our American values, threatening our
international alliances and resulting in few policy accomplishments for the American people. Enough is
enough. It’s time for us all – as Americans to put aside the party politics and work together to face our
greatest challenges.”

I want to try to decipher what the estimable John Kasich thinks he means: First, “chaos” is a word which,
in its negative connotation, basically describes the violent collapse of societies. Now, only the Democrats
are in a state of violent hysterical collapse. But, once started, lurking within its violence, old scores are
settled, revenge meted out, hatreds revealed and destruction of property becomes the rule of the day.
Actually, Chaos is anarchy as Kasich sees it but we’re not there yet, except Portland and Baltimore.

Chaos is part of the necessary cleansing feature when societies attempt to reestablish order and
authority. I didn’t say ‘lawful order’ because as we learned from Lenin’s Bolshevik revolution that
overthrew Czarist Russia and the National Socialists that suborned then lawfully displace the decrepit
Weirder Republic of post WW1 Germany, we see two examples of Socialism’s chaotic roadmap to
achieve leadership by tyranny. Excuses for these revolutions will vary.

Kasich say’s the “chaos” comes out of Washington and the White House. Washington is a broad brush
word that covers a multitude of sins but, by saying ‘White House,’ he directly means president Trump.
Kasich hates President Trump because of Trumps accomplishes and, he’s mean. By Trump’s frontal
attacks against the open enemies of American, the socialist embedded within the Democrat party and the
their policies that fail the test of Constitutionalism, reveals the real chaos Kasich talks about. Trump has
been a huge success. John Kasich, nor any other Republican, could never do that. Kasich is part of the
problem, a uni-party deep-state advocate.

John K. believes the ‘chaos’ he mentions is “diminishing our American values.” Well, what are those
American values he envisions? I don’t know but, clearly the voters who put Trump in office wanted a
restoration of our liberties, and a reduction of Obama’s onerous and economically regulation state that
nearly crushed American progress under the heels of totalitarian incompetency where nothing works but
government. Trump has done that!

John also said: Trump “was threatening our international alliances resulting in few policy
accomplishments by the American people.” First, what foreign policy accomplishment did Obama make?
Actually, there’s not enough space left here to list Trump’s accomplishments. In only two years he has
eliminated NAFTA and the TPP, challenged China’s economic espionage, confronted our disjointed
immigration polices, and did so by using means that remain mysteries to the likes of politicians like John
Kasich. John wants us to “put aside party politics (and) work together to face our greatest challenges.”
That’s an easy one. As I see it, we have two competing policies, one of good and one of evil. What John
means here is “bipartisanship” by which definition Democrats means we capitulate to them, always.

What are our “greatest challenges?” Well, people like Kasich is a good example of a pitiful challenge, but
restoring America constitutionalism, the rule of law, removing the corruptive issues of big money, re-
establishing trust in the election process and cleansing out the RiNO’s still sucking the life blood out of the
party is really our biggest challenge, John doesn’t think so. He wants to save it.

Locally, here in my county in Georgia’s 9th congressional district, my sources tell me of troubles in our
once solid Republican party. “The recent meetings of the local GOP, he said, reflect the disunity of the
Republican party nationally, with internal accusations of who’s doing the most to support our elections,
etc.  They’re the same few folks at the party meeting (locally)…maybe 10 of the old guard…while the local
Democratic party is growing and seems enthusiastic. I have no doubt that Georgia will be “blue” after the next state-wide elections, even without the current vote maneuvering.” Continuing, he said: “Someone
mentioned a while back that the Republican lawmakers really don’t care who controls the legislative
branches of government; they each have their funding sources and will play to those interests to keep
their positions….or if they have enough time in service, will retire and become a lobbyist.” And that my friends highlights our biggest problem. We have too many professional politicians, citizens who made
promises to get elected, then succumbed to the corrupted call of easy money to join the ranks of the
disciples of the “deep state.”

Politics should not be a career profession and John Kasich, in his pleading diatribe against Donald Trump
should realize that and go run a lawn and garden center somewhere where manure speak is understood
and acceptable. In the end, John Kasich is a “squabbler” not a fighter. He can’t compare with Trump in
real competition with America’s enemies or match Trump’s accomplishments.

Finally, this from a fan in Nevada: “Damn Republicans want to be known as “gentlemen” and have no
balls. When ignorant idiots like Crooked Hillary, Pelosi, Chuckie, and of course, Maxine Waters make
stupid statements the RNC should run commercials non-stop showing how truly ignorant and out of touch
with reality they are. But the RNC, which is always chaired by a spineless jerk will never do so as they
have no guts to do so. Fight fire with fire I say. Will never happen.”

President Harry Truman said: “Give it to them hard and straight and they’ll remember you!”
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (01Sec18)

Draining the Swamp


It’s sad to know that my lost faith in the GOP congress to make America great again was not
misplaced. Once again, having been knocked back into their familiar role as the losing boot
lickers they have become, content to sup on what the Democrats feed them, the remaining
House Republicans, as expected, have elevated a RINO into the minority leadership role to
continue the GOP’s groveling at the feet of Americas National Socialist Party.

Have the GOP members learned nothing? Are Americans to suffer the whining nonsense of
GOP congressmen making promises they won’t keep, or suffer two years of John Kasich trying
to become President so America can benefit from his version of “bipartisanship” with the devil?
It certainly looks that way. Are Republicans really the losers they appear to be? Probably!

This 2018 election had some surprises in it not generally recognized. For the Democrats, the
loudest winners are the new young Marxists like Alex Ocasio-Cortez, a poor rich girl, an
educated bartender but a demonstrably illiterate politician who doesn’t even know or understand
the main elements of her degree majors – economics and International relations. Yet she shouts
and screams idiocy demanding implementation of socialism for all and who, as the youngest
congressman ever, has become the darling of the liberal press. Gag reflex here!

What’s not reported is that many of the new Democrats campaigned as ‘moderates,’ easily
winning seats left vacant by the mass exodus of fearful RINO congressmen afraid of the Blue
wave that didn’t come, except for their seats simply because they were absent. That was an
exercise in draining the swamp par excellence Trump couldn’t count on it but came anyway.

What we are witnessing is a continued draining of the swamp as Trump promised. Draining
anything, especially a swamp, can be a slow, harrowing process especially when the outlets are
clogged by really stupid people who refuse to leave even in the face of insurmountable odds.
Americans want that swamp drained. No more business as usual.

The vast departure of RINO’s is actually a boon to the GOP in the long run. GOP Congressmen
who fail to support President Trump and his swamp draining effort, will soon find themselves
outside again. Eventually, the Jim Jordan’s will take over and the McCarthy’s, Scaliest’s and
Ryan’s, and other favorites of big business, will be subordinate to constitutional political reason.

The world has it’s leaders, many come from within political parties, some from the military. and
precious few from business. Presently, American politics is nearly bereft of any real leadership
except for President Trump who has become, by practice and deed, a leader among leaders.
Germany’s Merkel is on her way out after having polluted the entire European culture with the
followers of Mohammed. So is Britain’s Teressa May, not wanting to give up EU membership.
France’s Macron can’t last long either with the wealthy people leaving in droves, the Muslims
filling up the housing and Sharia suborning French laws.

America still has its leaders. But, many simply won’t apply when they know the crazed Marxist
Democrat Party will defame their names, defile their reputations and besmirch their honor, just
to keep America immobile and helpless before the storm. Contrary to the hopes of Mr. John
Kasich of Ohio, there can be no bipartisanship with evil. Politicians must decide if they will serve
as real statesmen, honest and true, or morph into the likes of Diane Feinstein, Chuckie
Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. They must have that chance anyway. Drain the damn swamp!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (15Nov18)

Another Reason I Despise Democrats – They Don’t Like Guns


Schumer: “If you believe Dr. Ford, then Kavanaugh is Guilty!” “This man does not belong on the
Supreme Court,” I heard no such remarks from any Democrat about Bill Clinton’s victims or that
he should remain President. Soviet show trials started that way. An accusation made was proof
enough of guilt. Stalin made the accusation and to save time the accused went straight to the
firing squad. That’s what Democrats want. That’s a reason why I despise Democrats.

We have fallen victim to overuse of the term “Double Standard” that our betters, Hillary Clinton,
Loretta Lynch, Obama, Dianne Feinstein, et. al.., are not responsible for their crimes because
“they meant well” or “didn’t intend to.” We’ve heard “Double Standards” so often and seen it in
action that even talking about it deadens our senses because while we know it’s true we also
see that nothing is ever done about it. Case in point, the Kavanaugh show trial.

Democrats are fixated on their end goal, the Socialization of America. That plan includes
population control but, instead of pogoms and mass starvation of the middle class (kulaks) like
the Soviet Bolsheviks did, Democrats are content to allow the death camps of Planned
Parenthood to murder vast numbers of little citizens for them.

I had long entertained the idea that the Democrats, shocked beyond belief when Trump
defeated Hillary in 2016, remained in their continued meltdown because of Trump Derangement
Syndrome. Then it occurred to me that the vehemence of this dastardly attack against Judge
Kavanaugh went far beyond merely trying to thwart Trump’s destruction of the Deep State, but
because Kavanaugh himself portends a singular threat to their plans to overcome America.

It all falls to Kavanaugh’s dissenting decision as a Judge on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals,
against the Washington DC council’s rules imposing firearms restrictions on the citizens of
Wash. DC. The issue passed and in its appeal to the Supreme Court, it was Judge Kavanaugh’s
written dissent, almost in its entirety, that the Supreme Court used in striking down the DC
restrictions as unconstitutional, ergo, Kavanaugh remains a clear and present danger to the
safe establishment of a Socialist Soviet style state. Democrats are absolutely despicable.

Our elite leaders, who firmly believe they serve as our betters, especially the despicable
Democrats, actually despise us. They hate us beyond imagination because enough of us won’t
swallow the crap they’ve been shoveling out to move their plans forward. They want to remain
the “Elites” with all the perks that come with it and as long as Americans remain armed and
ready to defend themselves, their plans to disarm and socialize Americans cannot proceed.

Squatting in the political shadows pretending they too can be counted among the ranks of our
betters are several really stupid congressmen and women. They identify themselves every time
they open their mouths but, to avoid confusion they are Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Watters, Shirley
Jackson Lee, Hank Johnson and others. They make all Democrats look despicable.

It’s sad for the nation but I suspect from now on it will take people with supreme grace, strength
of will, stern resolve and rhinoceros hides to even consider wanting to stand for high public
office. Trump is certainly one and now so too is Judge Kavanaugh. The stable of Republican
contenders suffers a paucity of likely candidates and many know it. That’s why losers like John
Kasich and even Jeff Flake entertain the notion they can run for president in 2020 and defeat
Tumps. These are really stupid people too!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (02Oct18)

Is It The Unravelling?


In a desperate attempt to end the ceaseless flow of campaign drivel from pretenders, PAC’s
and politicians, most of whom suffer TDS, I met another appeal from John Kasich of Ohio to
separate me from my Trump generated earnings with the following polite missive:

“Dear Governor Kasich,
No Sir, I would not like to “chip in” to your campaign. That would be a waste of money because
we absolutely do not agree. Your message isn’t making any difference at all. You will never be
President. Your policies and ideals were rejected at the last election. You tallied fourth in the
Primaries and like a silly twit you continued to campaign even when second and third place
contenders had dropped out. Voters could see that you lacked common sense.

No one believes your message because bipartisanship with Democrats cannot possibly happen.
Democrats have become America’s enemies because they are Marxists. If you continue to
believe they can be accommodated to accept a constitutional representative government with
Republicans, through bipartisanship, then you’re not only a fool but a stupid one as well.

You said you called for a delay in the Kavanaugh confirmation hearing because of “the serious
accusations against Judge Kavanaugh,” playing right into the Democrat hands to delay, delay,
delay. What serious accusations? A patently false, thirty-six-year-old hit job on an unverifiable
allegation to which not even a crime scene, time, date or place can be ascribed? That makes
you a “fellow traveler” in the true sense of the word who, like Jeff Flake, is an avid Trump hater
suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Governor, you need to get a real life and stop
pretending that you matter any more or that anybody cares about you.

Americans voted Trump as President because he told us what he was going to do, then he set
about doing it, successfully! Your “bipartisanship” BS can’t compete with Trump’s success and
Americans don’t care about a fellow who doesn’t look and act Presidential, so long as he does
what he say’s and keeps his promises. Trump is doing that. Quit trying to spoil the pie.
Kindly remove me from your email list.”…& etc.
Even now, after the two-faced Arizona, Republican Senator Jeff Flake threw a monkey wrench
into the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings with his notion of being fair and bipartisan, (he turned
over) the Democrats can no longer conceal their true motives, refill the swamp at all costs to
regain and keep power – forever!

The Democrats operation “Ford” was a clumsily organized, last-minute campaign to obstruct
and delay the confirmation of Trump’s second appointee to the Supreme Court. I can’t wait for
the third. Such a campaign had to have been well funded. We saw expensive Democrat
lawyers, paid Soros protesters in the Senate hearing room admitted via Democrat Senator
issued tickets (Schumer), and a hysterical nitwit in an elevator screaming at Sen. Flake
nonsense about not protecting her fat body, we’ve seen ejected Senate protestors being paid
cash out of doors, and now we learn that through the device of a “GoFundMe” site, Dr. Ford will
be $700,000 dollars richer at weeks end. How about them apples?

One fact remains inviolable: Jeff Flake is a moral weakling. For whatever reason (TDS) he has
violated his party’s trust, turned to the ‘Dark Side,’ and foolishly entertains the notion he has the
moxie, skill and aptitude to challenge Trump in 2020. It’s an unravelling coming for the Dark
Side. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (30Sep18)

Short Takes – Here Comes John Kasich Again


Here Comes John Kasich Again

America is caught in a tsunami of sad news, depending on one’s point of view.  Mueller hasn’t found dirt on Trump; NFL players openly disrespects the American flag and National anthem; a shooter in Las Vegas kills 58 people; The Hillary campaign and the DNC were responsible for the phony “dossier” against Trump; another Muslim murders eight with a truck in NYC & etc..

But, we still have internal problems that, if not countered could make the next few years a mirror image of the past eight. I have pointed out in previous articles that Ohio Governor John Kasich has a deep yearning that “he needs to be President,” an obsession almost as bad as Hillary’s. The Governor said: “he would represent a different viewpoint, insisting he wants to restore “basic principles of caring, of love, of compassion, of connectedness.”  Well, we just got rid of those dysfunctional viewpoints, didn’t we? Ya just can’t keep a good man down, can you?

What he means is that his ‘different viewpoint’ isn’t the one that the impostor Donald Trump, embraces. Kasich clearly believes the polls that shows Trump’s popularity at a low 30% so Trump must be universally hated, not only by the “establishment” but by the citizens who voted for him. That borders on dementia just like Hillary’s. If you believe Trump’s popularity lies at 30%, you should give up reading tea leaves for a living.

Kasich’s ‘different viewpoint’ is the same “compassionate conservatism” BS that George W. Bush championed. It was such an un-conservative point of view that it left the conservative electorate wondering exactly who we were and, it opened the door to the Democrats. We were also suddenly attacked by the dark forces of Islam. It was the 9/11 murders. We were off guard.

Kasich also said “there has to be a fundamental change, in my opinion, with all of us. I’m willing to be part of that (as President). I want my voice to be out there. I want it very, very much.”  Fundamental change? Isn’t that exactly what Barack Obama sold enough of us on that he got himself elected twice despite revealing himself as a complete and ultimately incompetent liar, cheat and hypocrite? John Kasich now enters the ranks as a new Progressive.

Since Trumps November 2016 election victory, 4th place runner up John Kasich still pursues a campaign for Trumps job, as a #Never Trump” darling of the “Establishment.” He insists that Trump was really not who the American people wanted but that Trump was a usurper of the Republican party platform substituting his own “Make America Great Again” plan while ignoring the Party’s principles and advice.  

But, Trump is President, and indeed, has started draining the swamp, including republicans. My only observation about that is that Trump never realized just how deep the swamp really was, and despite all the caterwauling from the “elites” including John Kasich, Trump has revealed that the swamp creatures individually are unidentifiable as anything other than corrupted politicians, no matter their party affiliation. Party affiliation only counts at election time. After the election, let the looting continue!

John Kasich reveals himself. Essential to his desire to “restore basic principles of caring, of love, of compassion, of connectedness” is his determination to cling to bipartisanship,with Democrats, to do Americans work. I don’t believe Kasich really knows or understands the enemy he wants to embrace with his “hands across the aisle” nonsense unless he’s one of them. One need only look no further than John McCain, to see and understand the failure of that idea.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (03Nov2017)

Can The Swamp Be Drained?


Can The Swamp Be Drained?

It’s a crying shame that Dr.Tom Price, former Ga 6th District Rep. and Trumps appointed Secretary of Health & Human Services, saw it necessary to cave in to the leftist media’s tsunami attack on his transportation woes. The “Establishment”, the corrupted one world government crowd of Progressivism, can now proudly hang another trophy head on their wall. It appears the VA Secretary may be next followed by whomever shows even a hint of weakness. Beware, the establish will eat its own.

But let’s be truthful. This is not an accident. It’s a coordinated ‘establishment’ attack by our ‘betters’ to neuter Trump presidency they see as dangerous to their lifestyle. They haven’t been able to demonize or criminalize Trump, so they have now started picking around the edges claiming a trophy here and a trophy there until Trump’s vision of draining the swamp collapses into the very swamp we know he was talking about. They will drown him in vile pettiness.

They are stealing our election. Do not look to the GOP for succor. They are all in for the kill. This is larger than just Democrats and Republicans wanting to retain power; this is a massive coordinated, well funded attack by the “establishment elites,” funded by their financial cronies, to maintain the status quo. The organizers behind it don’t really care if the government is Constitutional, Socialist, Marxist or Fascists so long as the money brokers control the strings that make all us puppets dance to their tune.  

John Kasich, Republican Governor of Ohio, a total establish bureaucrat, is licking his chops waiting to offer himself up once again as America’s best hope. Hope for what? Government through bipartisanship? That’s all he talks about. Hope is just wishful thinking as we learned after suffering eight years of “Hope and Change’ during the excruciating Obama days. Bipartisanship with Democrats simply means that our side caves in to their sides Progressive agenda, an agenda the American voters rejected in the past three elections and continue to reject with the recent primary election of firebrand Ala. Senatorial candidate, Judge Roy Moore.  

Now we have to continue the fight, It is incumbent upon conservative voters everywhere to stand up and be counted, to understand, as Reagan cautioned, “Don’t look to Government to solve the problem, the government is the problem” and realize that…“There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part; you can’t even passively take part, and you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you’ve got to make it stop. And you’ve got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you’re free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!.” …Mario Savio, UC Berkeley, Dec. 2, 1965.

The ‘machine’ is trying to save itself. With the alarming exodus of Trumps conservative cabinet secretaries, presidential advisers, associates and mid-level managers, it appears the deep state could win the battle after all. The next generation following us are becoming our enemies, brainwashed as they have been by the socialist dogma spewing from lecture stands in our colleges and universities. How can it be stopped? Can the swamp be drained? How do we address America’s history without being challenged over its every perceived error?

But what about the swamp? If you haven’t read The Art of the Deal, you can’t possibly understand Trumps tactics. He will get around to draining the swamp. It’s a three step plan with steps one and two almost completed. I don’t think a mere politician has the tactical skills to compete with Donald Trump. He’s a lot smarter than the average bear. More later.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (30Sep17)

Republican Party Committee Spring Break, What did Paul Manafort say? Are we seeing the real Donald Trump?


If you can’t win at the ballot box then it’s time to go after delegates. All eyes on delegates. The Republican National Committee held its spring meeting this past weekend in Hollywood, Florida. In years past the meeting was of little if any interest to the media, but not this year.

Media was present and ready to hear breaking news regarding the possibly of new RNC rules for a much anticipated contested convention. Nothing exciting to report; however during a meeting with the media, Paul Manafort (whom Donald Trump hired last month to oversee the campaign delegate-getting operation),  was recorded talking about the two Donald Trumps. The media made something out of nothing.  It appears the media couldn’t go to the meeting and come out empty handed.

My guest this morning  GaPundit Todd Rehm attended the meeting and was present when Manafort met with the media. Below is my must listen interview with Rehm. Rehm said the one big take away from the meeting was something heard several times, “At the national convention make a motion to suspend the rules.”  According to the current RNC rules John Kasich cannot be nominated from the floor; so instead of amending the rules just make a motion to suspend the rules and then let the fun begin.  One thing is for sure the RNC in Cleveland will be must see TV.



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