Instinctively Knowing Nonsense When We See It


I think everybody instinctively knows just how valuable the “Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse” have become to Donald Trumps re-election. Of the four, two are undeniably and admittedly strong adherents of Islam, meaning they have ulterior motives for wanting to trash and fundamentally change America. They want America as an Islamic Caliphate obedient to Shariah law, dictated to by Islamic Iman’s. There can be no other possible explanation for them being in Congress.

The other two ethereal equestrians, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ayanna Pressley, are simply American born nincompoop’s brainwashed in the Progressive style, who don’t even take the trouble to understand the basic rules of economics that fund any country’s growth and prosperity, or the rules of decency that should make society work smoothly. Trump understands the rules and he baits them shamelessly.

Lazy thinkers, like the crop of Marxists snowflakes that daily amuse us with their whining, simply believe that taxes snatched from the coffers of the greedy 1% of Americas wealth creators, and the pittance extracted from the wallets of working class people, will help them ‘invest’ in their promises of free education, free health care and free housing for all, as well as a free monthly check to cover expenses. When a Democrat says they will “invest” they mean they’ll not be spending their money, but ours. That’s the Socialist Utopia in a nutshell. I love the thought of Utopia. I fondly remember an old song sung by balladeer Burl Ives called the ‘Big Rock Candy Mountains. Now that was utopia…but we instinctively knew it didn’t exist!

The Democrat Progressives and the Muslim jihadists now come together as one but, only to the point of overthrowing, either violently or by stealth, the United States of America. If and when they arrive at that point, i.e.: the defeat of America, the Jihadists will then become the crocodile Winston Churchill warned us of, and will eat the Progressives last. But eat ‘em they will because, Progressives live and rule by their feelings while Jihadists live and rule by the Qur’an!

Presently, America, founded on the Constitutional principles of freedom, independence and representative government, lies as an inconvenient truth to the fractured Democrat party because the Constitution inhibits them from acting on their feelings. To the adherents of Islam, the Constitution has no meaning at all except when it can be used to advance their demands for inclusion, or claim they are victims of islamaphobia and hate crimes.

To all muslims everywhere, nothing, absolutely nothing supplants the Prophet Mohammad, the Qur’an and Shariah law. Nothing, Period!!! When called upon, all muslims will react as the Qur’an directs as they are doing now all over Europe, the Middle-east and non- muslim Africa.

Has anybody considered that these Four Horsewomen of the Apocalypse, or the Gang of Four as you like, could really do the legislative damage they are doing to Congress by themselves? Naw! The four are really slaves in the political harem that is run by, wait for it – a man! Yes, Saikat Chakrabarti. His family is wealthy and he uses their money to fund Alex Ocasio Cortez’s campaign. He set’s the agenda and her talking points. The Green New Deal is his. He fronts a group called “A Brand New Congress” with the explicit aim of ridding Congress of old white Americans and repopulate it with radicals. His prime target is Nancy Pelosi. Other Democrat Representatives have called for AOC to reign him in. She can’t. He’s the one in charge. He calls the shots and the harem slaves will do what they’re told.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Absolute Dysfunction and Eggs!


Absolute Dysfunction and Eggs!
Let’s see if we can figure this one out. Three hundred people, including at least three Americans, were murdered and five hundred injured, in separate Islamic attacks against two Christian churches and three hotels in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) on Easter Sunday. If you didn’t know that, I recommend you should urgently reevaluate your news gathering habits. The phony Mueller business is over at last. Let it go!

The mainstream media, the propaganda arm of the Progressive Left, don’t want to share these ugly stories of Muslims murdering Christians with you lest you become Islamaphobic in the process. No, not al all! Islam is the religion of peace, isn’t it?

The MSM is motivated to flood the airways with Progressive drivel. For example, while Sri Lanka burns, Elizabeth, the phony Indian, Warren, in her feckless attempt to charge up her flagging presidential campaign, doesn’t even mention the deadly Islamic Easter attack in Sri Lanka, but wants to turn Americans into pot heads. She says “Pot” can be an economic boon to the poor, destitute denizens of neighborhoods that prosperity forgot; that vast throng of poor, uneducated, inept, unqualified unemployable creatures who have not shared in the spoils of Capitalism. Let’s give them money.

Pocahontas is not alone. The wannabe Mexican fool Señor “Beto” O’Rourke, thinks he was gifted with the looks, charm and erudition of JFK, while the former mayor of South Bend, Ind, Greg what’s his name, hyped by a media love fest, has gone off the rails himself defending Socialism as a panacea for America’s problems. AOC demonstrates, every time she opens her mouth, why the cost of her education was money misspent. These people are all the same, identical, leaderless and ignorant, like a carton of eggs.

I put a carton of a dozen fresh eggs in my fridge yesterday, added three eggs on top from the previous carton and, Lo!, fifteen white eggs that look exactly the same, like the Democrat contenders for President. They all sound the same, say the same things, each one out shouting the others to be heard about the same things…nothing! Can I refer to the Democrats as “eggs” now? Would it be understood? Will anyone understand “eggs” as a metaphor for sameness?

Not even a dozen intelligent eggs can possibly do what Donald Trump has done to Make America Great Again, but they all want the same things for Americans, open borders to allow immigration, including invading Muslims, free education, free healthcare, free housing, and monthly salaries whether they have a job or not. The Democrats promise of a socialist utopia remains as big a scam as Mueller’s investigation was. America is not a Socialist country!

This Democrat hysteria over demands for results already provided, on a two year investigation already concluded, is a direct reflection of the dysfunction that the leaderless and inept Democrat party has become. If they were real eggs, they should be scrambled by now. As a political observer, I’m not sure I any longer know how best to describe the Democrat party, as fragile eggs or as further evidence the inmates are running the institution.

The Democrats, now in tatters, are passing through the five stages of Trump: grief, anger, bargaining, depression and soon, we hope, acceptance. This is seen in the House of Representatives, in the context that the House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, is no longer captain of her ship, but is trying to tut-tut over a primary class of ignorant children, em, I mean eggs!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Islam, Here We Go Again – A Warning For All


Islam, Here We Go Again – A Warning For All
Apparently, after a white terrorist from Australia launched a cunningly deadly attack against Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand killing fifty muslims, the “Left” couldn’t wait to try to blame Donald Trump and white nationalism as the cause. That’s to be expected I suppose. They want Trump gone, European culture erased from history and a one world government.

As to the attack(s) themselves, they were preceded by a lengthly anti-Islamic ‘manifesto’ that outlined the reasons for the attacks. It reeked of frustration because, like citizens in other western cultures being invaded by Islam, they see Islamic incursions as a danger to Western culture, not resisted or stopped by the political leadership. The manifesto reads in fact, like a fascist screed, but certainly not a Conservative one.

These “new comers” (Muslims) as Pelosi calls them, once here in our element, constantly expect that host governments should acquiesce to their demands because they are muslim and that their religions needs, like Sharia law, must be met without question. They create whole areas of cities that become “no go” zones for non muslims, hunting grounds for muslim rape gangs and centers of subversion of host governments. People are attacked on the streets, women assaulted and young girls raped. Their crimes are excused or minimized by our frightened leaders. In NYC, Mayor DeBlasio permits Sharia patrols in vehicles that look like NYPD cars. Why?

Why do Westerners think this way? It is because our governments are ambivalent to the dangers Islam represents to Western forms of government? They appear to happily welcome Islam as equals and set about to allay the dangers they bring with them while propagandizing the invaders simply as poor people fleeing tyranny while in fact, they are importing tyranny.

I do not condone the NZ attack at all but, while nutty in their objective, the shocking attack there, recorded by live feed, has opened the road to further conflict. Make no mistake, not everyone is horrified by those attacks in New Zealand. New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern decried the attacks as “an extraordinary and unprecedented act of violence” that has “no place in New Zealand.” Violence may not have a place in New Zealand, but it’s there now and neither is it “extraordinary” or “unprecedented.”

Any one who follows Jihad Watch on the Internet, will know of the hundreds of reports of muslims attacking non muslims with vehicles, knives and guns, killing them throughout the Middle-East Arab countries, sub-Sahara Africa and even in European cities now, by out of control muslims determined to stamp out any thought except Islam.

This report yesterday from: “Nigeria: “Muslims murder over 20 Christians with machetes and gunfire.” Christianity Today reported that “Fulani have become more deadly than the Boko Haram jihadist insurgency.” According to Reuters, they have “a deliberate plan to ‘wipe out certain communities,” chief among them being the Christians of Nigeria who are the farmers targeted in this attack and others. “On the morning of March 4, 2019, Fulani militants attacked Tse-Tema Dula, Tse-Ugor, and Tse-Jabu villages of Mbacohon area in Gwer West Local Council area of Benue State. According to ICC’s local sources, 23 people were killed.”

Where’s the media’s fawning pity? Where is their outrage? There isn’t any because the attackers were black muslims and the victims were black Christians! Nothing to see here! This happens all the time there, so now, New Zealand is no longer exempt because they let in the devil and someone resisted.

The terrorists manifesto praised actually praised Sir Oswald Mosley, the 1930’s founder of the British Union of Fascists, and other advocates of violence, in support of racist nationalism, not Donald Trump. Fascism was Hitlers bag and he himself drew Islam into his National Socialist orbit decades ago, where it remained festering and growing until Islam itself became infected with the disease of anti-semitism, racism and hate. That’s what the West faces as Europe is now learning to its fear and disgust.

American politicians and the progressive media pretends that Islam is a religion of peace. If it is, why do they not condemn Islamic Jihadists attacks everywhere? Why is CAIR, listed as a Terrorist organization, still allowed to continue to infiltrate America’s body politics?

When the time comes to actually fight back, as it surely will, the politicians will scream in horror, blame white nationalism, not American nationalism, and fight to suppress any and all resistance mounted against Islam. That will be a mistake. Once this miserable Islamic ideology has been allowed to take toot, protected by fearful non muslim politicians, then we can expect, as surely as Elm blight in January, a rising increase in violence, right here on the streets of America.

“The bullet is often used as the solution to a problem”…Anna Politkovskaya, murdered Russian journalist.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Political Correctness is Devouring Britain


Political Correctness is Devouring Britain

The headline: “It Is Possible The Motive Of The Latest London Subway Bombing May Never Be Known.” This after the bombing attempt aboard a London commuter train last week that injured twenty-nine riders. It’s a stupid comment and reflects an exercise in official denial. Of course we know the motive for the attack. It’s another attempt by Islamic Jihadists, to propagate the faith through fear. The attackers, now in custody, have simply followed the demands written in the Koran (Qur’an) by a camel jockey named Mohammed, who fancied himself a ‘prophet’ of God and who would gladly cut your head off if you disagreed with him. Now, his followers will gladly  do it for him. Good ol’’ “Mo” used a sword. This current lot have planes, cars and bombs.

The muslim mayor of London, responding to a Trump Tweet on the subject Tweeted: “Trumps ignorant view of Islam could make both our countries less safe. It risks alienating mainstream muslims. London has proved him (Trump) wrong.”  Everything here is denial. The London Police know exactly what the motive is but political correctness is preventing them from saving the UK from the barbaric ravages of the followers of this 7th Century inbred. The Mayor mentioned risking alienating muslims…well, no, I don’t think so. To be alienated, one must have wanted to assimilate with his new culture, not come ready to destroy it. They are already alienated by the Koran they read. There can be no moderate muslims, only inactive ones waiting to be activated.

For some reason the British government has cast off any pretense of preserving democracy, British law and culture. Even their famous dedication to free speech is in peril, all to rush headlong into Islamic appeasement in fear of having their own heads cut off. Is it a guilt trip from decades of colonialism that demands British officials invite the desert denizens of Islam and Shariah law, to their “Scepter’d Isle”, the uncivilized third world creatures with barbaric concepts, wanting to establish a ”Caliphate,” by fear or force if necessary, in the home country?  

An overabundance of third world inbreds, lacking any of the modern social refinements gifted to them by a Colonial Britain, have come here to replace British culture and law’s, and rewrite Britain’s contribution to western civilization. They accomplish this by demanding acceptance through fear, of their ignorant and base barbaric laws that are polar opposites to British culture.

Colonialism, its negative effects aside, still improved these people’s lives and left them far better off than they ever were under the Ottoman Turks, waring princelings, religious war lords and local tribal despots. Britain brought order, stability and even the rule of law to Asia and Africa, and it has all been rejected for barbarism.

Free speech in Great Britain is now being criminalized. Leftists are saying that free speech (by native Britain’s) is promoting extreme stress and discomfort among immigrants, a negative trait that should be controlled. A Leftist Canadian professor of psychology, Lisa Feldman Barrett claims: If words can cause stress, and if prolonged stress can cause physical harm, then it seems that speech — at least certain types of speech (anti-Islamic) — can be forced out of the public discourse. The Left takes her at her word and the cry of “Islamaphobe, racist and hater” quickly drives the offender into the arms of the law.

The London Mayor, is an Islamic and naturally defensive of gains Islam has made in Great Britain. Those gains are protected by a bodyguard of lies, employing even non muslims, i.e.: politicians, courts and policemen to force general compliance to Islam’s dictates. The British had best comply with the subjugation now under way of face jail. It’s as simple as that.  

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (19Sep17)

Short Takes – The Sexual Predator(s) in Our Midst


The Sexual Predator(s) in Our Midst

This story is not new, it just involves new people. I read an account of Maureen O’Hara’s entry into the Hollywood scene in 1945, before her stardom, when she was propositioned by a film studio owner, not identified in the article. Her Irish temper flared and she quickly put an end to his pretensions by telling him if what he wanted was a key to a Hollywood film career, then she was out. Charles Laughton in fact, saved her career.

So, it’s not a new story. It’s still happening and our daughters and grand daughters are not necessarily safe. Even the Boy and Girl Scout programs have been sucked into the perversion of the Left’s plan for sex neutrality. Scouting’s national leaders advanced the notion, for fairness sake of course, that homosexual men could be approved for Scout leadership roles. WTF? I don’t think that’s going to work well after this sexual predator stuff blows over and, it hasn’t even half started. The fallout will be brutal as well as disgusting.

We know “power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” In the sexual harassment cases now bursting out in the Hollywood entertainment industry, the DC swamp, and the Media, so far all Liberal Leftists, are simply the old game being played out by new people who exercise  authority over other people who really, really want something (film fame for example) and who are willing to compromise their morals to achieve it. Not all do of course, like Maureen O’Hara, but many do. They might not like it, they might be offended by it, but many do succumb to it. Too, in today’s new America, gay’s, pervert’s and transgenders have openly come out under Obama’s tutelage, to enter the fray, not necessarily to advance their careers, or choose which bathroom to use, but to find easy prey for seduction.

On the political front, apart from Al Franken, it is reported that Rep. John Conyers is in hospital suffering from a stress complaint? I’m not surprised. At 88 years old, he quite possibly is suffering a little bit of the ‘shame’ for his actions that was drilled into us as children, by our parents, our school teachers, our neighbors and our ministers, black and white, back in the 1940’s and 50’s. That’s all gone now. We are left in the hands of perverts, nincompoops and Democrats to tell us how to live in a world of happy diversity and multiculturalism, all while fending off new threats from Sharia Law that permits the raping of infidel women. Conyers’ lawyer said all the complainants against him were from “White Women,” meaning apparently, their complaints were unjustified. Well, no, that’s not what it means at all. What it really means is that Conyers only targeted White Women. Could he be a closet Muslim?

The danger here is that for years these powerful politicians, movie directors, studio owners and Liberal college professors and media icons, have stood as “role models” for the younger men in their employee. Therefore the lessons that cheapen one gender, women, are encouraged as acceptable for the next generation of men to emulate and so on. Another problem sure to face us is that filling the management voids now occurring by the firings of predators, will be challenged by screaming feminists demanding control of the male ego. If a young woman and a young man are in the wooing stage for the purpose of matrimony, a natural act, the feminists will immediately poison the well. Let’s not forget tenured male Progressive professors in America’s communist colleges and universities. Will they be exempt? We haven’t looked there yet.

We’re in trouble folks and we must tread very easily. The weapon of accusation and innuendo can do as much or more damage than a real act and must be seriously guarded against. Roy Moore is a good example of unproven accusations poisoning the well.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (01Dec17)

Short Takes – Is The End of Social Engineering in Sight?


Is The End of Social Engineering in Sight?

The long sought after dream of the Democrat Party, to create an authoritarian one party state, its leaders nurtured by elitism and Karl Marx, is about over. Collectivism, as a policy that fits all, is unsustainable, but it still exists in the halls of academe thanks to policies of ‘tenure,’ that saves progressive professors from being tossed onto the trash heap of really stupid ideas.

The Democrats no longer deny their role as Socialists, they just don’t use those words that say so. Their decades of attacks on America’s long standing institutions of moral security, Judeo-Christian codes, Boy and Girl Scout programs, fraternities, conservative college political groups, & etc., are starting to fracture under the weight of disgust and common sense.

The very absurdity of combining the Boy Scout and Girl Scout programs together as one, led by “gay” leaders, is asinine. Concerned parents realize that combining impressionable young people, eager to join scouting, as potential targets of pedophiles, is unconscionable.

Forcing military units to accept transgender personnel, and all that that implies, is as equally disgusting as what that deviant community wants to do with scouts. The aim is to make everyone sexually neutral. For the military, not a good idea. Murder and suicide rates will skyrocket in consequence because real men will not countenance gays, transgenders or deviants, of any rank, openly in their combat units. They can’t be trusted. No amount of Progressive social engineering will change the fact that men and women are as different as night and day and that the 98.7% of straight males will not tolerate a lasting role as fighters from the “gay” community. Women in the cockpit of fighters aircraft has proven good. God bless ‘em! They have good coordination, good eye skills and so long as they are alone in the cockpit and don’t have to look an enemy in the eye before they kill ‘em, all the better.

President Trump very quickly announced an end to Obama’s transgender experiment and a few of Obama’s still active senior military officers, have made noises in dispute but, amazingly they have quieted down. I wonder why? One big problem for the military, apart from lack of funding, for training, equipping and maintenance, is the residual effects of Obama’s social engineering, lingering in the dark waiting to pop out again as aggrieved victims of the majority. I believe, Trump stopped that nonsense just in time. but just barely. The pending disaster that Obama’s social policies foretold, can not be salvaged by politicians, court rulings or consent.

It is now time, for American’s to grasp the true meanings of the words the Socialist (Marxist) Democrats use to ensnare us. “Multiculturalism,” describes the Left’s attempt to negate American Nationalism, those tenants that made America great and exceptional. It decries the evidence of race despite the clashing of cultures. European-American culture is not good for black African citizens, therefore it must be neutralized. As victims, blacks must be elevated. Christianity is not good for Islamic immigrants, therefore it must be neutralized lest Muslims be offended. “Diversity and Racism” go hand in hand with multiculturalism and is the Left’s vehicle to shut down all dissent. It lays the groundwork for negating the 1st Amendment.

The Left can’t stand the US Constitution because it tells them “no!” They can’t have that so, when in power, they ignore or it or go around it. Authoritarianism in America is not supported by the Constitution. Americans should learn that and protect their rights against the now stymied Democrats. But, beware, they’ll keep coming and they’ll keep trying. They are out to get us!

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em. (30Nov17)

Short Takes – Abdication



The decline of America’s two political parties is not a surprise. They have cheated America’s voters leaving them searching for Constitutional alternatives. The GOP’s abdication of its conservative principles presents a signal problem that can no longer be ignored; problems that voters saw coming and attempted to fix in 2012, 2014 and 2016, without success, is evidence enough that the GOP is broken and represents nobody except themselves. They don’t want to do anything lest they rock the boat and lose favor with their money suppliers and the media. The GOP has clearly abdicated its role as America’s conservative party. In other words, there isn’t one any more. They GOP elites didn’t get the message.

The Marxist controlled Democrat party holds no effective power in government except to act as obstructionists. Their leadership is composed of geriatric, old Marxists and Progressives, products of the 1960’s anti-Vietnam war era, still searching for the magic formula that will enable them to complete their socialization America, interrupted by Donald Trump. Count them gone.

For Conservatives, the Republican party has long claimed they held the key to salvation until we learned, and are still learning, that they are in fact liars, cheats and shills for big government and the cash that flows from it. There are some serious exceptions like David Perdue, Tom Cotton, Mike Lee and maybe even Tom Cruz. The party has more than its share of treacherous villains like the unprincipled John McCain and feckless leftist, Susan Collins among others, who join the Democrats in obstructing the Conservative agenda, that Donald Trump seized and gave voice to the deep concerns of many Americans about the direction the socialists were taking America.

How do we solve the problem? A new party? Nope!  No matter what it’s called a new party will simply not work. The Libertarians have been out there for years and have not advanced above the popularity level they first achieved since the beginning. I agree they are Constitutional conservatives, with exceptions, and it’s those exceptions that have them stalled in third place.

The only course available for conservative Republicans, independents and Democrats alarmed at the deceit of the Ruling Caste, is to replace the old GOP, member by member, in primary challenges by conservative candidates until the whole rotten GOP house of cards collapses.  

Why? Because that’s where the money is. That’s where the donations come to, that’s the crucible of corruption, that’s the seat of power and that’s the swamp Trump wants to drain. It must be done and it can’t be done from outside. The formation of new parties with their petty individual demands, would turn America into a squabbling cacophony of incompetent, third rate politicians, a mirror image example of the socialist European Union, especially Germany.  

Conservative Americans want a return of their personal liberty and respect for their individual achievements. The GOP is not giving it, but Trump is. He has identified several issues that will restore those lost liberties: eliminating Obama’s regulatory state, cutting taxes, creating jobs, enforcing immigration laws, and attempting to fix the Republican healthcare fiasco. Trump is trying to reshape policy in these areas, as Americans want. Apparently the GOP won’t help but insist that they, acting as our ruling class, are too important to be removed.

Trump’s success will positively impact America for generations to come. Can there be a constitutional renewal in America? Not if our betters have anything to say about it. It’s time to replace them. We can start by re registering as Independents. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (25Sep17)

Short Takes – A Week of Disasters


A Week of Disasters

Where does one begin to reflect upon this weeks events? How does one devalue any American’s military service? We saw it start in the 1960’s when G.I.’s returning from Vietnam were spat upon, harassed and disrespected by the Communist influenced radicals who refused military service, organized demonstrations against ROTC programs and fought police on the streets. This was the era that spawned the Clinton’s. Gratefully, It’s almost over, we hope.

We see the NFL register their disrespect every weekend at game day, and we saw it again when the US Army deserter and traitor, Bowie Bergdahl walked out of a military court at Fort Bragg, NC, a man free of further punishment because a “snowflake” Obama officer, Col. Jeffery R. Nance, didn’t like the Commander-in-Chief’s comments about exchanging Bergdahl for five Muslim terrorist generals and opening that Bergdahl, who did not serve with honor or distinction, should be executed. It appears the inmates are still in charge of the institution.

But, Bergdahl isn’t free. He will forever be imprisoned by his cowardice, waiting and wondering when the retribution that settles scores will surely come. He will forever be looking over his shoulder, sleeping in different bedrooms every night, moving from place to place seeking the anonymity he so desperately craves and will never get. In the end, he will kill himself. He must!

Bergdahl’s treachery, and the court martial judges decision, is a burden almost too heavy to bear. Bergdahl will realize the approbation he so richly deserves and it will hound his thoughts to the grave, unlike his Commander-in-Chief, Obama, who nearly succeeded in neutering the very essence of a military’s strength with his transgender, homosexual policies of socialization. Bergdahl is a product of that socialization experiment.

That leaves us with 26 year old Devin P. Kelly, a once Air Force member awarded a Bad Conduct Discharged with a sad social media history of malfunctioning brain cells, who committed the awful murders in that Texas church. He was a deranged single white male with a personal history of violence, anger and hate. Immediately, the media screams “gun control, gun control,” yet we saw that a good man with a gun, can stop a bad man with a gun. The second amendment is non-negotiable by the way. Kelly’s in-laws were members of that church.

What the “Left” loves to do is immediately try to connect the murderers to Tea Party or conservative Republicans. If their search is not rewarded, and they’re now careful not to make rash assumptions, they report nothing at all. In this case, their search has not revealed Kelly’s political affiliation and, as we know if he had been a registered Republican, they would have screamed about it at once. Therefore, he had to have been a Progressive Democrat.

That brings us to sorting out the plethora of suggestions now flooding in about how to stop these awful shootings. What is apparent, and always ignored, is that thus far, all of America’s mass killings with guns and cars, were committed either by Muslims or Liberal Progressives. No NRA members yet. The Texas murders seriously suggests that to prevent these types of assaults in the future, anybody registered as a “Democrat” should be denied gun ownership. It only figures.

The Texas shooter had an Irish name. The Irish have devolved a long history of rebellion, shootings, and killings. Should the Irish among us be denied the right of Constitutional self-protection because one of their number committed an outrage at a small country church? Maybe not because he was Irish but because he was a Liberal/Progressive. Yes, that will do.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (06Nov2017)

President Donald J. and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Visit The Western Wailing Wall In Jerusalem


President Donald J. Trump is on a foreign trip meeting with Muslims, Jews and Christians in an effort to bring peace to the Middle East. The biggest hurdle he has to cross is, who does the territory of Old Jerusalem belong to? Donald J. Trump is the first sitting President to ever visit and pray at the Western Wall. Past sitting presidents have not visited the wall in fear of it signaling that The United States believes that the territory belongs to Israel. The Western Wall is a Jewish holy site due to its connection to the Temple Mount. This wall is also referred to as the Wailing Wall, where Jews weep at the sight of the destruction of the temples. Jews do not use the term Wailing Wall and considering derogatory. It is thought of as one of the holiest sites to Muslims because it is the location of the mosque, The Dome of the Rock.

Did President Donald Trump’s visit to The Wall show that he believes that the site belongs to Israel? If so, how would he explain that to the 50 Muslim countries he met with earlier in the week? Maybe President Trump will attempt something like King Solomon did, by offering to cut the baby in half. No matter what he does the mainstream media will not report the significance of this trip and his attempt to bring peace to the Middle East. They are more interested in the Washington Post’s and New York Times’ unnamed sources and unconfirmed rumors to spend any time on a real story.

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