Categories: Opinion

Absolute Dysfunction and Eggs!

Absolute Dysfunction and Eggs!
Let’s see if we can figure this one out. Three hundred people, including at least three Americans, were murdered and five hundred injured, in separate Islamic attacks against two Christian churches and three hotels in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) on Easter Sunday. If you didn’t know that, I recommend you should urgently reevaluate your news gathering habits. The phony Mueller business is over at last. Let it go!

The mainstream media, the propaganda arm of the Progressive Left, don’t want to share these ugly stories of Muslims murdering Christians with you lest you become Islamaphobic in the process. No, not al all! Islam is the religion of peace, isn’t it?

The MSM is motivated to flood the airways with Progressive drivel. For example, while Sri Lanka burns, Elizabeth, the phony Indian, Warren, in her feckless attempt to charge up her flagging presidential campaign, doesn’t even mention the deadly Islamic Easter attack in Sri Lanka, but wants to turn Americans into pot heads. She says “Pot” can be an economic boon to the poor, destitute denizens of neighborhoods that prosperity forgot; that vast throng of poor, uneducated, inept, unqualified unemployable creatures who have not shared in the spoils of Capitalism. Let’s give them money.

Pocahontas is not alone. The wannabe Mexican fool Señor “Beto” O’Rourke, thinks he was gifted with the looks, charm and erudition of JFK, while the former mayor of South Bend, Ind, Greg what’s his name, hyped by a media love fest, has gone off the rails himself defending Socialism as a panacea for America’s problems. AOC demonstrates, every time she opens her mouth, why the cost of her education was money misspent. These people are all the same, identical, leaderless and ignorant, like a carton of eggs.

I put a carton of a dozen fresh eggs in my fridge yesterday, added three eggs on top from the previous carton and, Lo!, fifteen white eggs that look exactly the same, like the Democrat contenders for President. They all sound the same, say the same things, each one out shouting the others to be heard about the same things…nothing! Can I refer to the Democrats as “eggs” now? Would it be understood? Will anyone understand “eggs” as a metaphor for sameness?

Not even a dozen intelligent eggs can possibly do what Donald Trump has done to Make America Great Again, but they all want the same things for Americans, open borders to allow immigration, including invading Muslims, free education, free healthcare, free housing, and monthly salaries whether they have a job or not. The Democrats promise of a socialist utopia remains as big a scam as Mueller’s investigation was. America is not a Socialist country!

This Democrat hysteria over demands for results already provided, on a two year investigation already concluded, is a direct reflection of the dysfunction that the leaderless and inept Democrat party has become. If they were real eggs, they should be scrambled by now. As a political observer, I’m not sure I any longer know how best to describe the Democrat party, as fragile eggs or as further evidence the inmates are running the institution.

The Democrats, now in tatters, are passing through the five stages of Trump: grief, anger, bargaining, depression and soon, we hope, acceptance. This is seen in the House of Representatives, in the context that the House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi, is no longer captain of her ship, but is trying to tut-tut over a primary class of ignorant children, em, I mean eggs!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Staff Writer

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