Jared Kushner.

BKP’s Opening Today – Why Did Donna Brazile Mention Seth Rich in her Book ?

In BKP's opening monologue today he discussed the following issues: Do you have a Risk Assessment for your church? 26…

7 years ago

WV (D) Joe Manchin III, ND (D) Heidi Heitkamp, and IN (D) Joe Donnelly Vote to Confirm Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court

Senators (D) Joe Manchin, (D) Heidi Heitkamp, and (D) Joe Donnelly broke ranks with the fellow Democrats, to vote for…

7 years ago

Behind President Donald Trump, Son-In-Law Jared Kushner and Daughter Ivanka Trump, Most Powerful People in West Wing of White House

Rumors continue to swirl around the West Wing that Chief Political Advisor to the President, Steve Bannon and Chief of…

7 years ago

All-Star Political Panel with Bruce, Rick, BKP, and Jane

Today the All-Star Panel covered a wide range of topics: failed Obama-care, John McCain, Jeff Sessions, and the President's speech…

7 years ago

All-Star Political Panel – Trump tweets, good or bad for the President

This weeks All-Star Political Panel had much to discuss. They covered topics such as Congressman Steve Scalise being shot on…

7 years ago

President Donald J. and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Visit The Western Wailing Wall In Jerusalem

President Donald J. Trump is on a foreign trip meeting with Muslims, Jews and Christians in an effort to bring…

7 years ago