Our Descent into Darkness


With each mass shooting perpetrated in our society upon wholly innocent men, women and children, the Marxist Democrat propaganda arm, feigning faux outrage, immediately points the bony finger of blame at Donald Trump. Why? Because they have nothing left in their quiver and he has them beat in the public arena with the truth and logic.

Americans are becoming inured to the shock that is now the too frequent indiscriminate murders in public places of American citizens. The loony reactions of the media to these bloody events is convincing Americans that they cannot be trusted because we now know they lie, obfuscate, hide the truth, report out of context the truths, and are in fact, the most complicit agency in leading Americas Descent into Darkness. Why does the media not care about the mass daily killings in Chicago, Baltimore and other Liberal American cities or the murders of babies in the daily gross lots? Just asking!

It’s a last act of desperation for an industry that openly took sides in the political war that will decide Americas future, and tried to hide it. They are leading our descent into a life that will be one of misery and despair, a la Venezuela and Cuba, while attacking Trump who is polishing up the “Shining City on the Hill” image of Ronald Reagan.

The media has lost, like the FBI has, the trust of the American people. We’re not as stupid out here as they believe we are. For decades we’ve passively watched as the nice, pleasant sounding, siren voice of Socialism’s doctrine of “fairness and multiculturalism,” crept into our daily lives, then morph into screeds of white privilege, reparations, wealth redistribution and white shame, and slowly supplant our original values of independence, self-reliance, property ownership and individual achievement, the beginning of our descent into darkness. Happily, Americans are waking up but, that could portend more violence.

Trump “tweets” the truth and they can’t abide it. They have no retort except to scream louder, try to identify every supporter of President Trump as demonic white supremacists, tea party black folks hating, far right wing radical racist, even before the facts of events are ever revealed. If not, they’re simply made up. “Never let a good tragedy go to waste.” The word “racist” has lost its sting so watch as ‘white supremacists’ replaces ‘racists’ in daily print.

In the El Paso murders, I agree. It was a Hispanic hating young white youth who surrendered to police instead of dying by his own hand or confronting the police in a futile shootout. This man was a coward. The Dayton murderer on the other hand, was demonstrably an evil, demonic person who expressly believed in the socialist ideals of Bernie Sanders and the Squaw woman, Elizabeth Warren. Yet no one blames those two politicians for the murders. Indeed, when his political affiliation was discovered his whole background story was just dropped from the front page of the Democrats propaganda arms. Another blow to fairness.

The Left’s media propaganda machine, always seems to be a step ahead of the dimwitted Democrats in pursuing the lies of “white supremacy,” the new code word for “racism.” All the Democrat presidential candidate especially the spavined Joe Biden, are trying very hard to brand President Trump, and by inference, the rest of us, as far-right wing, lunatic fringe “racists” that should be attacked and openly killed. The Black Lives Matters nimrod, screaming out her hate toward Mitch McConnell’s home, calling for him to be stabbed in the heart, makes my case. The Antifa’s who show up at street protests hooded and masked have done just that.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!

Short Takes – DACA and US Citizenship

Opinion, Politics

DACA and US Citizenship

American citizenship should be earned not awarded for simply being here. That’s what laws are for, to give applicants a fair shot at getting in. There is a pathway to citizenship available for those outsiders who apply. Yes, it’s hard and lengthly but, so what? On top of that, Democrats defending Obama’s DACA Executive Order is unconscionable because it’s not law, but opinion only, and that’s the argument Democrats want to hang their hats on, Illegals over Americans.


So far, the really stupid visa programs initiated under a Democrat regime and supported by “Compassionate Conservatives,” who do not want to be smeared as racists or bigots, have swept aside the rule of law, in the name of “fairness.”  America must atone for its undeserved prosperity by welcoming in the worlds great flood of unwashed, without conditions. Whoa!


The Democrats unrestricted illegal invasion program has met strong resistance in the form of Donald Trump who has said “No more!” meaning the unfettered importation of third world denizens from S__thole countries will end. For the present America is faced with solving the problem of the many Dreamers who arrived here years ago when our guard was down.


Here’s what I would accept concerning any DACA plan that attempts to legalizes the 800,000 “Dreamers,” kids who were brought here illegally by their criminal, gate crashing parents. Understandably they had no choice but like kidnap victims, they must be returned to their home country.


Democrats cite the unchanging DACA numbers at 800,000 because that’s how many Dreamers, more or less, who actually signed up for Obama’s ‘amnesty’ program. There is in fact over three million, but for purposes of negotiations, let’s stick with the Democrats number of 800,000, most of whom have matriculated into adulthood.


First, eliminate, out of hand, those who have failed to learn English, those with MS-13 and other gang affiliations, and any “dreamer” with one or more felony or firearms convictions. A few have matriculated through college and are employed in good jobs. Save them. Some have found low level jobs, started families and avoided accumulating police records. Save them too. Of the 800,000, only around 900 have entered military service on the promised path to citizenship. Save them. Chain migration must be eliminate. Assimilation does not occur when old family units are attached to and influence, accepted immigrants.


Democrats whine about Trump wanting to spend a one time cost of $18 billion to build a wall but ignore the annual $99 Billion taxpayers cost to cloth, feed, house, educate and provide medical care to the flood of illegals spreading over our country. The Visa program, the one that allows entry on a lottery system, has proven deadly and must not even be considered in negotiations.


Some national figures should be considered in this negotiation as well. 97% of immigrants in the Dreamers grouping identify themselves as Hispanic. By the fourth generation that number falls to 50%. Only 7% describe themselves as Americans, but only 56%, in the third generation, believe they are Americans. Even the use of Spanish slowly declines. The Democrats have abandoned Americas working class base to chase what they choose to believe is a racial group in harmony with their dream of a socialist state, when what they were actually chasing is the momentum of unlimited migration.

Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (24Jan18)

Short Takes – Coming Up, the SOTU


Tonight, President Trump will give his first State of the Union speech. It should be a doozy. I
expect it to be a complete success because every speech Trump has made has been a signal
success, except to the Marxists acolytes of the media and the Democrat party.
The Democrat party is in disarray. As things are now going, with the departures of many “deep
state” congressmen and senators of both parties, plus the coming departures of many of the
higher echelons of the FBI and the DoJ, complicit in the pro-Hillary, anti-Trump cabal, reflects
that another of Trumps campaign promises is being fulfilled, draining the “Swamp.”
He will not mention these tawdry issues in his speech because the President is focused on
success. He will remind people of his successes with the growing economy, the reduction of the
regulation state, the collapse of Obamacare, the leveling of free trade policies and the legislative
horror that is illegal immigration being reconstructed on his terms. He will focus also on the
necessity of refunding the military to face off against the Islamic forces that endanger America.
This SOTU speech could actually be rather short because the media have already told us
what’s wrong with the present state of the Union claiming that it’s Trumps fault, but they can’t
argue against the growing success that really is Trumps fault. The media continues to deny that
the Democrats and Obama specifically, had any responsibility for the economic success
America is now experiencing.
Trump’s been in office one year and the economy shot off like a rocket. The incompetent,
feckless Obama stepped up and attempted to claim credit for it and was all but was laughed off
the stage. He’s as silly as Hillary and her “Never Ending Story,” who showed up to cheers at the
sad Grammy awards ceremony to continue her screed that she was cheated out of the
Presidency. She’s the gift that keeps on giving. The Grammys turned out to be a far left wing
televised Hollywood political rally to continue the assault on Donald Trump.
The left, under the leadership of the high ranking theologians of the church of Progressive
policy, Schumer, Durbin, Feinstein and Pelosi, are reeling in confusion wondering what’s
slapped them in the face. It was Trump and the SOTU speech should add fuel to the fire that is
consuming them.
I believe the President will be polite to the Democrats inviting them to help him solve the
immigration problem. Democrats will call, as they always do, for “comprehensive bipartisan
legislation” to help those “Dreamer” children remain here and become citizens. Trump will offer
the hand of agreement and they will refuse it. Schumer has already lost that battle but the
deranged far left will badger him into committing another error in calculation.
Trump is anything but stupid. He understands the power of words, maybe not how to use them
himself, but how others use them. “Comprehensive” is a word Trump knows simply means
capitulation to Democrat demands for amnesty. He will not going there.
Finally, the FISA memo may have been released by today. Trump will ignore it. He’s already
made his case against allegations of collusion and, the Mueller Investigation, apart from being
cluttered up with Hillary acolytes, is becoming a bore to the public. Time is on Trumps side. He’s
making America great again.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em.

New Poll Shows Americans Support President Trump’s Immigration Policies


New Poll Shows Americans Support President Trump’s Immigration Policies

“The Schumer Shutdown Was A Result Of One Thing: Democrats Misread The American People”


WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator David Perdue (R-GA) spoke with Steve Doocy on Fox News Channel’s Fox and Friends about a new poll showing that Americans overwhelmingly support President Trump’s efforts to fix our legal immigration system, including increasing border security, eliminating the outdated visa lottery, ending chain migration, and resolving the DACA situation.



Misreading The American People: “The Schumer Shutdown was a result of one thing: Democrats misread the American people.”

Four Parameters: “The President has been very consistent all along. He said he wants a compassionate solution to the DACA situation and any solution has got to include border security with the wall, an end of chain migration, and an end to this visa lottery.”


New Poll is Proof: “This poll is a great illustration of where the Democrats are out of touch with the American people. 80% of America wants border security and over two thirds want a DACA solution to include border security with a wall, an end of chain migration, and an end to this visa lottery. All along, the President’s instincts about this have been right.”

Securing The Border: “There is symmetry here. Both sides want to end the visa lottery. Both sides want to solve the border security issue, and the President has proven he is right over and over again that a wall is necessary to do that.”

Ongoing Negotiations: “The President has been very engaged on this issue. I was at the White House this week, along with Democrats in different meetings. We have a road map that we believe not only will pass the Senate, but also pass the House.”


Senator Perdue is the only Fortune 500 CEO in Congress and is serving his first term in the United States Senate, where he represents Georgia on the Armed Services, Banking, Budget, and Agriculture Committees.

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